Working With School Nutrition Services To Meet The Needs Of Children With Allergies

For families who struggle to make ends meet, school lunches can be both a source of relief and a source of anxiety. This is especially true if your child struggles with food allergies. Trusting the school nutrition service provider to not only meet the needs of your child's allergen-free diet but to also provide him or her with a well-balanced meal can be frightening, to say the least. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take as a parent in order to advocate for your child's safety as well as his or her nourishment.

5 Tips to Make Your Oil Last Longer

If you work in the restaurant industry, you probably know just how much the cost of cooking oil can add up. You probably like to reuse your oil as much as you can, but you don't want to use old oil that will affect the quality of your food. There are things that you can do to make your oil last a whole lot longer. Follow these tips, and you are sure to notice that your oil lasts a lot longer while still producing good-quality food that tastes delicious.